WBDD - World Birth Defects Day Community

International network of governmental and non-governmental associations, which deal with the prevention, treatment and study of childhood malformations in the world. Founded in 2015 with the aim of spreading the culture of birth defects prevention by celebrating the “World Birth Defects Day” (March 3).

PCRF - Palestine Children's Relief Fund

Humanitarian association that provides collective and individual medical and humanitarian assistance to Arab children throughout the Levant, regardless of their nationality, politics or religion.

GICS - Global Initiative For Children's Surgery

International Consortium (based in the United States) of Universities, Institutions and NGOs from both high and low-income countries, which aims to develop and share strategies to promote access and improve the quality of surgical care for all children in the world.

Italia Non Profit

The Third Sector platform: for institutions, professionals, donors, companies. Italia non profit connects donors, citizens, companies with non-profit organizations. Research, data, tools. Orientation and knowledge. Information on entities.

Fondazione Corti

Founded in 1993 with the aim of providing financial and logistical support to St. Mary’s Hospital in Lacor, in Northern Uganda. The mission is to bring care, training, development and progress to Uganda.

St. Mary's Hospital Lacor​

Ugandan non-profit hospital of the district of Gulu (northern region). Its mission is to offer medical care at the lowest possible cost to as many patients as possible, without discrimination, with particular regard to the poorest and most needy.


International cooperation project of the Federico II University of Naples born in 2004 with the aim of developing a new Faculty of Medicine at the University of Gulu in northern Uganda devastated by 20 years of civil war. Organized the teaching and built classrooms, laboratories and houses for students, the first doctors (40) graduated in January 2010.

Medici in Africa Onlus

Genoese association with the aim of encouraging the voluntary service of Italian doctors and health personnel in Africa, carrying out training courses both in Italy and in Africa, carrying out development projects in support of the African continent.

Centro Lagorà

Centro Lagorà brings together several voluntary associations working in the Vicenza area and sharing the goal of networking. It wants to be a meeting and socialization point, providing services and support to the different age groups of citizens, from children to adults.

Consorzio SPeRA - Solidarietà, Progetti e Risorse per Africa

Consortium of Italian Associations with the aim of operating in the field of international cooperation, linking together Italian associations engaged in humanitarian and solidarity activities, with projects especially in favor of Africa.

NWRG - New Weapons Reaserch Group Onlus

Italian ONLUS association (based in Genoa), active since 2011 engaged in the surveillance of neonatal health in the Gaza Strip, in parallel with the investigation into the contamination of mothers by heavy metals.